Shelly J. Reed
Associate Teaching Professor
Brigham Young University College of Nursing
Shelly J. Reed is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Brigham Young University College of Nursing. Dr. Reed has researched in the areas of nursing education and maternal and women’s health, at times combining the two. Areas of nursing education that she has investigated include simulation debriefing, and action research as a global health teaching method. Dr. Reed created a simulation debriefing evaluation tool and published it in 2012; this tool has been translated into five different languages including Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Turkish. Dr. Reed has shared this tool with hundreds of researchers from over 20 countries across the globe, helping to advance research and evidence concerning simulation debriefing. Dr. Reed has also used her knowledge of maternal newborn and women’s health globally, including educating undergraduate nursing students, volunteer experiences with teams teaching health professionals in Latin American countries, and researching childbirth and women’s health topics in diverse cultural contexts. Dr. Reed received a BS from Brigham Young University, an MSN from the University of Utah, a DNP from Case Western Reserve University, a PhD from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, and a post graduate nurse midwifery certificate from Frontier Nursing University.