Sabrina Beroz
Professor Emerita
Montgomery College School of Nursing
Sabrina Beroz is Professor Emerita at Montgomery College School of Nursing and a Simulation Education Consultant. Dr. Beroz is a global leader in the development of simulation educators across nursing education and practice shaping the quality of the clinical learning experience. Her research led to the first evidenced-based curriculum model that continues to guide professional development impacting over 16,000 simulation educators and practice nurses transcending 16 countries. Dr. Beroz led the development of Maryland’s statewide simulation consortium; a model replicated across the nation, notably Mississippi, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. Her expertise in simulation culminated in faculty development in China, Puerto Rico, Slovenia, South Korea, and in the mid to low-income countries of Pakistan and Tanzania. The impact of her work is measured by invited presentations, publications in peer-reviewed journals, requested consultation services and recognition by the NLN as a Fellow in the Academy for Nursing Education. Dr. Beroz drives sustainable change through policy recommendations for simulation practices across state boards of nursing, international board membership, and service on task forces and think tanks advancing the science of simulation. Dr. Beroz holds a DNP from Marymount University, an MSN from the University of Massachusetts, and a BSN from Boston University.