Rick Kwan
Tung Wah College School of Nursing
Rick Kwan is the Associate Dean (Programmes) and Professor of the School of Nursing, Tung Wah College. His research is specialized in Gerontological nursing focusing on employing technologies to promote the health and health behaviours of older people, particularly those with cognitive frailty. Dr. Kwan’s contributions to nursing were to develop innovative interventions using digital technologies, particularly virtual reality to improve the quality of life of older people and enhance the competencies of nursing students. His research demonstrated that technology-enhanced interventions effectively engage vulnerable older people in health-based activities. Particularly, virtual reality effectively minimises the gap between training and reality. Dr. Kwan made an impact in promoting older people's healthcare and optimising student learning experiences and outcomes through research-generated evidence and knowledge transfer activities. These works support the changes in older person clinical practice and revolutionizing curriculum in tertiary/nursing education. He is also active in advocating professional development in nursing and gerontology. He is the founding president of the Pi Iota At-large Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, council member of the Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, co-opted member of the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, and editor of journals in the fields of ageing and nursing.