Rebecca R.S. Clark
Assistant Professor/Nurse Scientist
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing/Pennsylvania Hospital
Rebecca R.S. Clark is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and Nurse Scientist at Pennsylvania Hospital. Dr. Clark’s science is building the foundation for understanding how investing in hospital nursing organizational resources improves birth outcomes and differentially benefits women from marginalized communities to achieve health equity. She also uses innovative approaches to understand and transform inpatient maternity communication, which is a leading root cause of maternal morbidity, mortality, and inequity. Dr. Clark’s work has demonstrated that better work environments, which reflect organizational support and resources for professional nursing practice, are associated with higher rates of spontaneous vaginal birth for Black women at low-risk for cesarean, at rates equivalent to those of White women, as well as less missed breastfeeding care. She has pioneered examining spontaneous vaginal birth as a high-value outcome. Her work has informed researchers nationally and internationally, professional organization research agendas, professional policy and clinical practice statements, and state policy. Dr. Clark received her BSN and MSN from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, her PhD from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, and her postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.