Priscilla K. Gazarian
Department Chair and Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts Boston
Priscilla K. Gazarian is a nursing leader, nurse educator, and research scientist at UMass Chan Medical School - Tan Chingfen School of Nursing. Dr. Gazarian, an experienced critical care nurse and health services researcher, leads innovative research to improve the quality and safety of healthcare among persons with serious illness. Her specific focus is on promoting the uptake of advance care planning (ACP) conversations. She has developed various resources to support nurses in understanding the goals and preferences of persons with serious illness to facilitate safe, patient-centered care. The breadth of her impact is evident, with her research being extensively cited in multidisciplinary journals and having profoundly influenced serious illness care, nursing curriculums, and nursing role development. Her research has impacted the advancement of federal legislation such as the Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Act. Dr. Gazarian earned her BSN from Southeastern Massachusetts University, her MS from the University of Massachusetts Boston, and her PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.