Margaret M. McCarthy
Assistant Professor
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Margaret M. McCarthy, a well-recognized scholar in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, holds a BSN from Binghamton University, a MA in Exercise Physiology from Adelphi University, a MS as a Family Nurse Practitioner from Pace University, and a PhD from NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Her earliest research, conducted at Bellevue Hospital, yielded important insights on the process of increasing physical activity in underserved individuals with heart failure. This focus has continued across her subsequent studies and has culminated in the major clinical innovation of embedding the physical activity vital sign into the Epic electronic health record of a large healthcare system. Dr. McCarthy has a long history of research funding and disseminating her work, including 47 presentations and 40 publications. Her research impact positioned her to represent the American Heart Association’s Council of Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, on initiatives such as the “Know Diabetes by Heart” Scientific Advisory Group. Dr. McCarthy has displayed a deep commitment to underserved individuals, both in clinical practice as a nurse practitioner, and through her research and clinical innovation. Her background as an exercise physiologist and dedication to reducing cardiovascular risk provided the leadership required to institute this substantive change within a complex medical system.