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Manuela R.E. Eicher

Director, Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare and Academic Co-Lead of the Patient Lab
University of Lausanne and Lausanne University Hospital

Manuela R.E. Eicher is a Full Professor at the University of Lausanne, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, and the Director of the Institute of Higher Education and Research (IUFRS). She is the president of the Swiss Oncology Nursing Society (SONS) and a member of the Board of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. In her role as Director of the IUFRS, Dr. Eicher achieved strategic growth in the education of nurses to assume advanced practice roles and conduct nursing research. Over the last 15 years, Dr. Eicher together with her research team generated evidence on the positive impact of cancer nursing on patient outcomes. She directs national/international collaborations to develop, test, and implement patient-reported outcome measures and nurse-led symptom management interventions. She is leading the development of the Patient Laboratory in Oncology, facilitating patient and public involvement and engagement in cancer research and conducting research in this area. Dr. Eicher received her BSN, MSN and PhD from University Witten/Herdecke followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Basel, scientific collaboration at Bern University Hospital and role of the dean of research and development at the School of Health at University of Applied Science Western Switzerland.

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