Lydia D. Rotondo
Associate Dean, Education & Student Affairs, DNP Program Director, Professor of Clinical Nursing
University of Rochester School of Nursing
Lydia D. Rotondo is the Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Innovation, DNP Program Director, and Professor of Clinical Nursing at the University of Rochester School of Nursing. Over the past ten years, Dr. Rotondo has developed and implemented a nationally recognized, technology-enhanced model of competency-based nursing education, earning the University of Rochester School of Nursing recognition as an Apple Distinguished School, endorsement by the International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning, and an American Association of Colleges of Nursing Innovation in Professional Nursing Education Award. As a leader in DNP education, Dr. Rotondo has presented at numerous professional conferences and has significantly contributed to the literature on DNP curriculum development. She also founded an annual DNP conference attended by participants from over 40 states and created a DNP fellowship program at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Dr. Rotondo played a key advocacy role in the passage of recent New York State legislation supporting the use of simulation in clinical nursing education. Dr. Rotondo received her BSN from Georgetown University, MSN from the University of Pennsylvania, and DNP from Vanderbilt University.