Christine E. Bader
Deputy Director of the General Ronald H. Griffith Institute for Military Medical Professionalism and Special Assistant to the Daniel K. Inouye Graduate School of Nursing (GSN) Dean
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Christine E. Bader provides executive oversight of the Griffith Institute operations and designs and executes major new initiatives for the development of Military Healthcare Professionals who are uncompromising in their ethics, firmly grounded in military medical professionalism and law, focused on the patient, and committed to the profession of arms. She leads and develops Military Health System (MHS) and University wide programs and initiatives creating the first MHS Digital Transformation Strategy and Implementation Plan to enhance care for beneficiaries, develop and expand the workforce, and articulate governance initiatives. As senior advisor to the Dean of the GSN, she is a member of the Executive Leadership Team and advises on all policies, procedures and strategic planning. Dr. Bader served as an Air Force Nurse Corps officer (active and reserve) retiring at the rank of Colonel. She held senior leadership positions in the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. She provided guidance and policy direction on strategic healthcare initiatives with global and sustained impact for Warfighters, beneficiaries and Veterans. Dr. Bader received her BSN from Pennsylvania State University, her MS from California College for Health Sciences and her PhD in Nursing from University of Pennsylvania.