Cheryl Nimmo
Program Director School of Nurse Anesthesia & Associate Clinical Professor
University of New England
Cheryl Nimmo is an Associate Clinical Professor and Program Director of the DNP/Nurse Anesthesia Program at the University of New England. She has been a CRNA for 45 years and an RN for 50 years. During her career she has been active in state, regional, and national leadership roles including President of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology in 2016. She has been involved in education and program administration for the past eleven years, educating over 240 students to become Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologists. She has been active in policy and advocacy at the state, regional, and national levels, and lead the successful removal of APRN and CRNA physician supervision in Rhode Island. Her students are introduced to the areas of policy and advocacy from the first semester and are mentored into professional roles throughout the program. She served at the rank of Major in the United States Army Reserve as a CRNA. She holds a DNP from Northeastern University, a Master of Science in Health Administration from Salve Regina University, and a BS from Evangel University. She received her anesthesia education at Southwest Missouri State University in 1979.