Biru Luo
PhD, MSc, BSc, RN
Director of Nursing Department
West China Second University Hospital
Biru Luo is the Director of Nursing Department, the Second University Hospital,Sichuan University and Tutor for PhD Nursing Candidates. Dr. Luo is the deputy director of obstetrical Committee, Chinese Nursing Association and director of Nursing Branch of China Maternal and Child Health Association, Deputy director of Midwifery Branch of China Maternal and Child Health Association. She has been engaged in clinical nursing, teaching, research and nursing management for more than 30 years, and her research focuses on maternity nursing and midwifery. She is the executive editor of Women and Children Nursing, editorial board member/reviewer of Chinese Journal of Nursing Management, Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing, Journal of Nurses' Education, and Chinese Journal of Acute and Critical Care. She has published more than 140 papers, of which more than 60 are included in SCI. Edited and participated in the compilation of 30 textbooks and monographs .She presided over and participated in 25 various researches. Dr. Luo received her BSN from West China University of Medical Sciences, her MS and PhD from the Sichuan University.