Alison Hernandez
Policy Advisor
U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
Alison Hernandez is a Policy Advisor for the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, chaired by Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). Dr. Hernandez has helped advance health and disability policies in both chambers of the federal U.S. Congress. Her portfolio focuses on disability across the lifespan and includes legislation across health care, housing, law enforcement, economic security, and civil rights policy. She is a guest speaker on civic engagement to promote the role of nurses in policy, presenting nationally and internationally to undergraduate and graduate nursing students on the topic. Dr. Hernandez has been the guest of several podcasts, including an interview with former Secretary of Health Donna E. Shalala. Additionally, she co-led a 3-part podcast series to promote civic engagement in nursing. These episodes are used across the country in nursing policy courses. Previously, she was a Health and Aging Policy Fellow and spent her fellowship year in the U.S. House of Representatives. Dr. Hernandez has a broad interest in social determinants of health policy and science and communication. Dr. Hernandez has a PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a M.S. from DePaul University, and a B.A. from the University of Miami.